There is now A joke on this page! People that have contibuted to the jokes: Erin.
Q: What did Mulder and Scully say when they found out they had to go
to a cornfield?
A: Awww Shucks...
Top ten things you won't hear on X-Files.
- Mulder: Ah, you're right Scully, it's all bullshit!
- Scully: I believe every word you say Mulder.
- Cancerman: Got a light?
- Krycek: I can take you!
- X: Can we talk?
- Skinner: Good job, you two!
- The Lone Gunmen: Let's go outside for once!
- Scully: By the beard of Zeus, what manner of deviltry is this?
- Mulder: I'm gonna be the best FBI agent today! Because I'm good enough, smart enough and doggone it, people like me!
Top ten things we'll never see the Cancerman do...
- Pet a kitten.
- Grab Mulder by the lapels and call HIM a son of a bitch!
- French kiss Scully.
- Switch to the patch.
- Read to pre-schoolers.
- Die.
- Breakdance.
- Sing, "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood..."
- Hug Skinner and exclaim, "You're my new best friend!"
- Exclaim, "It's just 'Cancerman'! Not 'THE Cancerman'!!!
Top ten things Scully will never do.
- Lambada or disco.
- Read a tabloid for the articles.
- Watch 'Friends'.
- Wait to exhale.
- A nudie movie. (Whoops! She already did that!)
- Get in a steel cage match against Xena.
- Quit the FBI and sign up with Death Row records as Snoop-Scully-Scull.
- Join A gothic rock band consisting of vampires and become really pale and force Mulder to work with Tommy Chong.
- Take Friday off and go on a bender with Courtney Love and get tanked in Tijuana!
- Mulder. (Whoa!)
Top Ten X-File Cover-ups we'll never hear about because of Cancer Man.
- The New Kids On The Block sex change (Hint: They now call themselves 'Spice Girls')
- The REAL reason Suddenly Susan is still on (Drugs + Critics = Good Reviews)
- What possessed Schumacher to ruin the Bat franchise (The Devil)
- Why Mulder and Scully still haven't just gotten it on (Mulder's gay)
- How Kari Wuhrer went from playing sweet girls to psychotics (Possessed by Sean Young)
- Why she seems to end up in terrible movies (Pissed off her agent)
- What the hell Babylon 5 is about (Damned if I know)
- Is Pat a man or woman (Neither, it's an alien)
- Who wrote the book of love (Cancer Man)
- Who is Keyser Soze (Same answer)