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1) What is this newsletter about? This newsletter contains all X-Files related stuff! You will get the latest spoilers of the
upcoming episodes, quizzes, polls, opinions from other members, movie info, reviews,
magazine articles, X-Files jokes, hidden stuff, favorite lines, and SO much more!
In one word: NO!
NO! Your e-mail address are safe in the ListBot server where only I can access them! I
won't be taking them and giving them to other people! They are safe!
All you need to do is go to http://www.listbot.com and go the member section -- or
something like that -- and change everything in there! If you are having problems with
that, just e-mail me and I will get it changed!
It comes out around once or twice a week . . . but sometimes something happens that is
really special -- like the movie -- and there might be several issues!
No junk mail!
Go to newsletter.htm (press "BACK" on your browser) and fill in the right spots on my
newsletter main page! If you are having problems (which is highly unlikely) just e-mail me
and I will remove you!
All you need to do is have a link to my newsletter on your page. It's simple, place the
following code on you page! Then afterwards, e-mail me with the page URL the link is
located at!
<!-- Begin ListBot Code -->
<form method="post" action="http://www.listbot.com/cgi-bin/subscriber">
<table border=0><tr><td colspan=2>
Join AV's X-Files Mailing List!<br>
Enter your email address below,<br>
then click the 'Join List' button:<br>
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<input type=hidden name="list_id" value="AV_XFiles_List">
<input type=hidden name="Act" value="subscribe_list">
<input type=image src="http://www.listbot.com/subscribe_button.gif" border=0 width=88
height=31 alt="Click here to join our mailing list!">
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<font size=1 face="arial"><a href="http://www.listbot.com/" target="_top">Powered by
<!-- End ListBot Code -->
Yes, it is! We don't send stuff about UFOs, alien abductions, etc. without it having
something to do with an X-Files episode!
The X-Files (TM) is a trademark of Fox, 1013, and Chris Carter. If you want to contart me, email me. If you wish to go back to the main page, come here.