Rating: NC-17 Category: MulderTorture/ScullyAngust and a bit of MSR Disclaimer: Please don't sue! All characters belong to CC, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and 1013 productions etc. No infringement intended. And again don't sue! Feedback: All feedback welcome! jill@tctc.com Archive: Feel free to archive just let me know where it's going and that my name and email is attached! Thank yous: Thanks Jessica Small and Stacey Summers for motivating me. Author's Note: This is not my first story to be written but this is the first one to be posted, again I would love the feedback. Summary: Mulder and Scully try to save the president, while they may need help saving themselves. We go Together By Jill Curtis jill@tctc.com "Ok everybody, I want Coch and Dunlap at the hospital. Mulder and Scully take the warehouse. The rest of you come with me." Skinner said as he walked swiftly toward the White House. Shit this assignment is gonna be harder than I thought it would be, Skinner thought as the other 5 agents followed him. There was a threat against the president and he had had to pull 9 agents not including himself from some other important cases. They had no idea who the threat came from or where they would try to get the president. Mulder and Scully were at the warehouse because that was supposedly were their hideout was. Coch and Dunlap, fresh new agents, were staying with the presidents daughter since she had gotten shot during the last attack on the president, Skinner didn't want to be responsible for leaving that girl unprotected. Skinner reached the back door and looked out to the front lawn. There were numerous TV crews and reporters bombarding the other people involved with the incident. He waited until the other were inside then closed the door and sighed, he had a bad feeling about this case. _____________________________________________________________ "Well Scully, here we are on another boring assignment." Mulder said as he opened a bag of sunflower seeds. Scully glared at him and finally sat down. She had been pacing back and forth the entire time they had been in the warehouse. "A threat to the president isn't exactly something boring Mulder." Scully said as he offered her a sunflower seed. "No thanks," she said. "But I am getting pretty hungry." She said. "Well there's an Arby's down the way, I was thinking that if you want to I could stay here and you could go get us some food." Mulder said with a puppy face, he was in a very playful mood today. "I guess I could but you got to say please." She said even as she prepared to leave. "Pleaseeeeeee." He said and she laughed. "I'll be back in about a half an hour, what do you want?" "Well I guess I'll take three regular roast beefs and a small jomoca shake." He said as she stared in disbelief. "Jeez Mulder I didn't know you could eat that much." She teased. "Cover for me, see you later." She said and then left. "Well now what do I do." Mulder said to himself. A shot echoed through the street and Mulder jumped to his feet. His first thought was of Scully, was she ok? But then he realized that the shot had come from the hospital not where Scully had headed. He breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed his gun and ran toward the hospital. _____________________________________________________________ Scully heard the shot and also feared the worst for Mulder. The shot was in his direction but seemed to be farther off. She too upholstered her gun and ran toward the warehouse, which she found was empty. "Mulder!" she yelled as she ran for the hospital which was the only other place where the shot could of come from. She rounded the corner and was relieved to see Mulder and Dunlap trying to work there way through the gunfire to get back in the building. "Mulder!" she yelled trying to get his attention. He spun around and relief flooded over his face. "Scully you coming or not, and did ya bring the food?" he asked kiddingly and once Scully had caught up with them they resumed their work. Scully heard a yelp and looked over to see Mulder catching Dunlap right before he fell. Mulder motioned for Scully and they ran over to the other side of the building with Dunlap on Mulder's back. Mulder laid him down on the ground and Scully checked him over. "Call an ambulance Mulder and get Skinner down here." She said still bent over Dunlap. Mulder pulled out his phone called the paramedics and Skinner. "Where's Coch?" Scully asked. "We need to get inside Scully, Coch is in there alone trying to protect that damn kid!" Mulder said in frustration. Scully knew that they had to get in but they couldn't just leave Dunlap. Just then Skinner rounded the corner with 3 of the 5 agents that had been with him. "Sir, I'm going to go in after Coch, we can't just leave him there. Scully you stay here at least until the medics get here." Mulder said and drew his gun not waiting for an argument. One of the agents behind Skinner spoke up. "I'll go too." Maddox said. Skinner looked at Mulder and Maddox. "Hinkly go with them." Skinner said as Mulder found an opening in the gunfire and went back into the gunfire. Maddox and Hinkly followed quickly. "Sir, let me go with them." Scully said as her eyes darted from Skinner to where Mulder had been. "No Scully, we've got to take care of this man." Skinner said sternly, but then a little softer "Mulder can take care of himself." As he laid a hand on her shoulder. _____________________________________________________________ Mulder, Maddox, and Hinkly had made it into the building. They were in the storage area at this point and were trying to move the boxes that were in front of the door to get to the 6th floor. The storage area took up an entire floor and looked just like a warehouse. "Maddox go see if you can get something to pick this lock." Mulder said issuing orders. "Hinkly I want you to go out the way we came and get the people on the 6th floor advised of the situation." "How am I going to do that?" Hinkly asked. "The intercom, go to the main desk and use the intercom!" Mulder said his voice showing just a faint hint of annoyance. Mulder was alone again and then he stopped and listened. There was somebody on the other side of this door, he could have sworn that he had heard something. Just then the door busted open and hit Mulder. Mulder shoved the door off of him in time to avoid the incoming knife blade. He rolled up to his feet and the guy charged him, Mulder ducked again but this time the blade sliced his right arm. Mulder let out a scream and looked down at his blood soaked sleeve. _____________________________________________________________ The storage room was on the first floor and Skinner looked up at the several broken windows when the scream reached his ears. He looked down at Scully who was still tending to Dunlap. She looked up with fright in her eyes, but keep her cool. She stood up and started to run around to the door of the hospital. The paramedics were already there and she needed to go in there. Who had screamed she didn't know and she hoped to god it wasn't Mulder. "Scully we need you here." Skinner said trying to call her back. "Who ever screamed needs my help more." She shot back and was in the building before Skinner could say more. _____________________________________________________________ Mulder grabbed his arm and wondered where the hell Hinkly and Maddox were. He kept on ducking the blows until the man who was attacking got mad. He rushed at Mulder and took them both down. The man was on top and sliced at Mulder's arm more. Hinkly and Maddox ran into the room and raised their weapons. "Put the knife down." They said in unison. The man just looked at them and put the knife up against Mulder's throat. "Put the knife down." Another voice said. Scully viewed the scene and looked to the other two agents. The man released his hold on Mulder but not before one last prick to his throat. Hinkly and Maddox grabbed the man and put him in handcuffs. Mulder started to get up and Scully ran over to him. "God Mulder can't I leave you alone for one second." She scolded him as she examined his arm. "It's not bad Scully really." He said as he stood all the way up. Scully pulled out the medical kit she had brought out and made Mulder sit on a box. "That's a very deep cut." she said as she examined his cuts. She wrapped it in the ace bandage and Mulder flinched. She eyed him and then brushed the strand of hair from his eyes. "I'm getting you out of here." She said as she reached for the phone to call Skinner. "Skinner I'm coming back out with Mulder." Scully said but Mulder interrupted. "No, we need to get to Coch. I'm not leaving here until we do just that Scully." Mulder said and got up off the box. "Mulder, I don't want you hurt further." Scully said. Mulder looked her in the eye and his hurt hand on her shoulder. "How many times, have I gotten hurt with you right by me?" he asked. "Never." He said and she laughed prepared to debate the issue. "Well, there was that time...." She started but he shook his head. "Call Skinner. I'm fine." He said and to show it he pulled his gun out with his hurt hand and handled it. Hinkly and Maddox relaxed noticeably when they heard that they weren't going to have to get Coch by themselves, and also that there 'leader' was still able. Scully smiled to herself, well at least these two respected Mulder. Scully called Skinner. "Sir." "What's going on in there? How bad is Mulder hurt? What about Maddox and Hinkly." Skinner bombarded her with questions. "Sir, Mulder is ok and he refuses to go out yet, and Maddox and Hinkly are here with us." Scully answered and listened a bit more before she hung up. Mulder was already issuing orders and he and the other two were moving the boxes out of the way again, since they had been messed up in the recent struggle. "Mulder I don't need to be convinced that you're ok, but using your arm to stressfully can't be good for it." Scully commented while helping Mulder with the boxes even though he was doing fine without her help. Once the boxes were out of the way, Maddox gave him a key which didn't fit but Mulder picked the lock with it to make us of it. The agents drew their guns again and jumped through the doorway ready for any action. No body was around, there was no noise, and no movement. Mulder didn't relax, they found the staircase and did the routine on each floor. Mulder and Scully were slightly ahead of Hinkly and Maddox, when a gunshot sent them to the ground. Mulder and Scully got up quickly. "Mulder are you ok?" Scully asked with concern. "Yeah," he said, "Maddox you there?" "Yeah I'm ok but Hinkly's down." Maddox replied before another shot rang out and Maddox fell to the floor. Mulder raised his gun while Scully examined the other two. "Mulder they're dead, both took a straight shot to the head." Scully said before three shots rang out and were followed by three more. "Move Scully!" Mulder shouted grabbing her and pulling them both out of range. The gunshots were unrelenting and Scully couldn't tell where they all came from. Mulder grabbed her and they raced up the stairs while they each took out a guy. The shots stopped and the halls were silent again. They were on the 6th floor now and the place seemed empty. Mulder thanked god that Hinkly had done his job. Scully glanced at Mulder's arm and was none to pleased that it had resumed bleeding and the ace bandage was completely blood soaked. She reached out to touch it, and Mulder winced. "I told you we should have done something about it." She said. ____________________________________________________________ Skinner looked back at the building he had to do something. He picked up his cell phone and called Scully. "Scully were are you four?" Skinner asked. "Maddox and Hinkly are dead sir, we are on the 6th floor." Scully replied. "Shit, I just got word that Dunlap died in the ambulance. How's Mulder?" Skinner said. "If we get out of here, I want a stretcher ready for him." Scully said thinking about the amount of blood loss, while Mulder glared at her. "Sir, I'll keep you posted." Scully said and hung up. _____________________________________________________________ The three men had their guns ready and were picking out a target, who would be the next to die. "Ladies first." The second man said and they agreed. "The other one we can take hostage." The second man said. The three men leaned around and took aim. _____________________________________________________________ Mulder listened to Scully as she talked to Skinner but something caught his eye. Three men. "Scully" he yelled and she looked at him. Mulder didn't think just dove in front of the blast where it caught him in chest. Scully had hung up and dropped to her knees and rolled Mulder over. "God please no no!" she said. "Mulder can you hear me?" she asked. There was a pool of blood starting to form and Scully applied pressure to the wound. Mulder looked scared and Scully held in the tears. "Hurts Scully." He said as he looked at her. Scully continued her work on him and tried to calm him. "I'll get you outta here, don't you worry." She said. The men walked with their guns raised at the duo. Scully knew they were coming but she continued to help Mulder. Mulder's breathing was becoming slower and harder and he coughed, spitting up blood. "Scully." He moaned. The men stopped in front of them. "Is he dead yet mate?" the third and little one said. "Scully looked up, they were pointing they're guns at them. "No he's not dead and he won't die." Scully said angrily. "Get up, Lassie." The 1st one said. "No." she replied and tended to Mulder. The third one grabbed her and pulled her up. The 1st one bent down in front of Mulder. "Hey lads, look at this one. It's alive, lads." He said. These guys were not exactly brilliant, Scully observed to herself. The 1st one raised his gun and aimed at Mulder. "Stop!" Scully screamed and twisted in the third mans arms. "Wait a second mate, do ya have to kill em?" The one that was holding Scully asked. "We could just let em bleed to death or something." He continued, "and besides I got her phone we could call and say we need a ransom." "You right mate. Give me the phone and let her down, but make sure to get her gun." The man said as the third man let Scully down, pulled her gun and handed the 1st man the telephone. Scully slipped down to Mulder and petted his sweat soaked brow. "You're gonna be ok, Mulder." Scully whispered into his ear. Mulder choked again and blood poured on his face. Scully took off her coat and lad it over him, then ripped off her sleeves and used it as a temporary bandage for the wound. "May we introduce ourselves." The 1st one said. "I am Ian, this is Scott." He said pointing to the 2nd man. "and this is Brett." He said waving toward the one that had held Scully. "Now how can I get a hold of your FBI friends?" Ian asked. Scully was silent until Brett swiftly kicked Mulder in the side. Mulder groaned and Scully spoke, "memory 3." She said and glared at Brett. _____________________________________________________________ Skinner jumped out of his skin when the phone rang. "Hello." He said. "Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Ian and I think I have someone who would like to talk to you." Ian said and shoved the phone to Scully. Skinner held his breath. "Sir, this is Scully." Scully said as Skinner mentally sweared. "Agent Scully what's going on?" he asked. "Mulder's shot, we need to get him to a hospital." She answered and tried to stay off the subject that the men wanted. "Tell him about the ransom." Ian coaxed. Scully ignored him and grabbed the front of her shirt. "Tell him." Ian yelled. Skinner heard the exchange and was none too happy about it. Ian grabbed the phone from Scully and spoke. "You give us safe transport outta here and then you get your Agent Coch back and the presidents daughter back." He said. "What about the other two?" Skinner asked. "You ain't gonna have two live agents in here for much longer." He replied. "Ian, you have to get this man to a hospital soon." Scott said while he leaned down next to Mulder and Scully. One of them actually has a brain, Scully thought. Scott had been quiet and unmoving the whole time and he could be their only means of saving Mulder's life. Skinner paused and listened to the background chatter, another voice speaking to Ian, a choking sound and then silence. "We need a medic in here now if you want us to come out with both of them." Ian said and broke the connection. _____________________________________________________________ Scott got up and walked into one of the near by rooms and returned with a small first aid kit. "You look like you know what you're doing. And if you don't they'll have a medic up here in a while until then you play doctor." Scott said to Scully unaware that she was a doctor. Scully breathed a sigh of relief. She tried to sterilize the wound and then since Mulder wouldn't stop moving it made it impossible for her to stitch the wound, so she took an ace bandage and wrapped it around it. Then she tended to his arm and wrapped it in another ace. Thank god for ace bandages, she thought. _____________________________________________________________ Skinner called the paramedics and sent two up to get to Mulder. He also started organizing a swat team to go in. He couldn't let them have safe portage out of there. _____________________________________________________________ Scott and Brett held their guns up and watched the medics approach. They checked the medics for any bugs or guns. "They're clear." Brett said. Scully was relieved to see Skinner posing as a medic and then the real medic whom she didn't know. The two bent down in front of Mulder and started their work or at least the real medic worked. Skinner stared at Mulder and then occasionally glanced at Scully. Ian walked over to them and pulled Scully up. "So what does this guy mean to you anyway? He your boyfriend? Husband? Partner?" Ian asked and Mulder rolled his eyes back to look at Scully. "Put her down." He managed to squeeze out before another coughing fit. "Skinner looked up at the exchange and fought back the urge to pop that guy in the face. Ian nodded to Brett who picked Mulder up from under the medic and punched him in the stomach. Mulder rolled to the ground and Skinner stood. "How do you expect us to work on him if you keep on hurting him and reopening the injuries?" Skinner asked angrily. "You best shut up, Mr." Brett said warningly with a hint of enjoyment. Skinner glared at him and looked at Scully. She had a helpless look on her face as Brett picked up Mulder. Scully got up and started walking after the two but Scott held her back. He whispered into her ear, "Don't worry he won't kill him, Ian just promised him he could have some fun." Skinner and the medic didn't know what to do. "Leave." Ian said. "What we didn't even..." the medic started but Ian cut him off. "Leave!" Ian shouted. Skinner and the other medic started to walk away but Skinner turned around. "You could kill that man if you do to much damage and you don't have anyone that can fix him up!" Skinner yelled. Scott whispered something to Ian and Ian turned to them. "Fine. Brett go tie them up." He said. Brett tied them to the post by the stairs so they were a good 20 feet from Scully and the two men. Ian looked at Scully. "So as we were saying before we were so rudely interrupted, what is that guy to you." Ian regarded her. "He's my partner." She answered flatly. "Anything else?" he questioned. Scully didn't answer. "I can have Brett in their just kill him you know." Ian told her and Skinner strained to listen to the quiet conversation, god he hoped the swat team got here fast. _____________________________________________________________ Brett laid/threw Mulder down by a window and grabbed Scully's handcuffs that he had taken. He pulled Mulder's hands behind his back and retrieved Mulder's hand cuffs from his pocket. Brett looked around on the floor searching for something that he could tie Mulder down to. He found what he was looking for in the bathroom, they were in the nurses lounge and then dragged Mulder into the bathroom and tied him down to the drain. Brett thought of all the bad things that had happened to him and released his anger on Mulder. He swung his fist again and again into his face and stomach and then paused to listen and regain his anger. "Please no more." Mulder sobbed embarrassed and hurting. "Please." Brett paused and felt momentarily guilty and sorry for Mulder. But then Brett stood tall and left the bathroom. _____________________________________________________________ Brett exited the room and walked toward Scott and Ian. Ian was still talking to Scully. "Is he of any value to you or do you not care?" Ian asked. Scully looked at Ian and her stare could've turned a person to ice. "He's my partner." She repeated. "I think he's more than that to you. I not stupid, I can tell when two people are in love." Ian said and put a stress on love. Ian turned around to face Brett. "Are you done?" "Nope, I need something to use." Brett answered. Ian smiled and pulled out a small whip and knife. "You be careful with these, don't get too carried away." Brett grabbed them and Scott stared in horror. "This isn't mid-evil times, you can't flog the poor fellow." Scott said and Scully had already sank to her knees praying someone would come. Skinner watched the exchange and heard Scott voice his opinion. That kid's going to get it. Skinner thought. Skinner looked out the window and a hope rose in him when he noticed the swat vehicle zooming down the street. Ian grabbed Scully and pulled her up, he motioned for Scott to follow. Brett took the tools and walked back to Mulder. Mulder was lying on the floor and had the appearance that he was unconscious. Brett kicked him and his eyes opened in time for another coughing fit that sprayed blood around. Scully winced, he had had a lot of blood loss and she knew it would be a miracle if he lived. Brett gave the knife to Scott and flipped his whip to get used to it. He brought it down hard on Mulder's chest. "No, Brett you gotta turn him over." Ian said with Scully wiggling in his arms. Brett undid the knot and the hand cuffs and then replaced them once he was on his stomach. The whip went down again and Mulder let out a gasp. Scully watched horrified until she had to look away. Ian pulled her head back to the watching position and opened her eyes. "Does he mean anything to you?" Ian asked and Brett paused to wait for her answer. Scully started to cry, which surprised herself since Mulder and her mother had been the only ones that had seen her cry since she was 15. Brett brought the whip down again making Mulder whimper. "Yes he means more to me." Scully said. "How much more?" Ian asked, and Scully let the tears flow. Brett let the whip go down again. "I love him." Scully whispered. Ian got frustrated and pulled the whip from Brett's hand and pushed Scully over to Brett. "What was that?" Ian asked even as he leased his anger and his crazy mind on Mulder, never pausing between beatings. "I love him!" She screamed. _____________________________________________________________ The swat team untied Skinner and the medic and rushed toward the screaming that was coming from the room. Skinner pushed through the doorway. "Freeze!" he yelled. "Put your hands on your head and drop the weapon!" Scott and Brett did as told and Ian glared angrily at Skinner then back at Mulder and reached for his handgun. Skinner shot without hesitation. Ian fell and landed on Mulder. Scully had tried unsuccessfully to calm herself and rushed over to Mulder. She pushed Ian off of him and untied him. She rolled him over, his eyes were closed. "Mulder!" she said panic creeping in her voice. His eyes opened and he managed a sick smile, and then had another coughing fit. "Did you get my regular roast beef?" he asked. Scully smiled and hugged him. The paramedics rushed in and lifted him onto a stretcher. "Scully! Scully!" he called panicking. She grabbed his hand and he relaxed. "Scully, don't leave." He whispered. "I won't." she said. "Did you really mean what you said, Scully?" he asked just before they placed the mask over his mouth. "Yeah, I did Mulder." Scully said and Skinner pulled at her shoulder. "We need you here, Scully." Skinner said. "No, I promised Mulder I'd stay with him." She said looking at the stretcher going away. "But..." Skinner began and was interrupted but someone shouting, "Lay back, shit, I need some help here." Scully ran up to the stretcher and Mulder relaxed after seeing her, he searched for her hand and found it. _____________________________________________________________ Scully sat by Mulder in the hospital. She had gotten a checkup and was fine physically. The doctors had said that Mulder was looking very good considering the blood loss and the traumatic experience. She wouldn't be satisfied until he woke up. Skinner walked in and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Scully, you guys did great." He said and went on. "Mulder will be fine, you know." "Yeah, I know." Scully said and went on watching Mulder. Skinner looked on a little bit more and then left. Mulder stirred in his sleep, he opened an eye and prepared for his usual wave of pain, but didn't feel any. He looked around for Scully and saw her. She looked up and smiled. "Welcome back, Spooky." She teased and grabbed his hand. He smiled. "You gonna bust me outta this joint?" "Nope not today Sherlock." She answered. "The doctors say you're going to be just fine, just a few more days of rest." "Oh great, now where's my lollipop?" Mulder asked joking. Scully leaned down and kissed him. "There's your lollipop." June 28, 1998 0226_jill-tctc-com_wegotogether.txt