Extra-Sensory Perception Chapter Five: 46th Street New York City 5:03 p.m. "What is the condition of the girl?" asked a grey-haired man, standing next to the mantle. He was heavy-set with droopy eyelids, and a low, god-father-like voice. "She's in critical condition at the base," said another man. He sat, nonchalantly, in a wing-backed brown leather armchair. He raised a cigarette up to his wrinkled lips, took a long drag, then exhaled slowly."We've pumped the pathogen into her system, but it is not working as we had hoped. We must wait another 48 hours. If it works, her memory will be erased." "And if it doesn't?" he First Elder asked. "We'll have to burn the body, and all of the other evidence." He took another long, slow drag, then let it out. "Then we must destroy all of the infected cetaceans, along with the formerly used virus." "How will this be done?" another man asked. "They are scattered all around the area, and some even further out." "Then we would have to kill every creature within a 5 mile radius of the island, as far as the restraining unit harnesses," the Cigarette-Smoking Man said. "And how do you intend to accomplish this task?" asked a man in a navy blue suit, and red hankercheif. He stood up, and took his coffee over to the mantel. "You think you can simply enflame the ocean?" The First Elder shook his head. "We have other methods," he stated dryly. "And they are?" the man in the navy-blue sait asked, accentuating every word with a British accent. "We release an oil spill," the Cigarette-Smoking Man said. "Every sea creature will be killed. It will be an accidental oil leakage from the U.S.S. Coultier." "You think that you can just destroy everything within 5 miles, to kill the one dozen infected Dolphins?" the man exclaimed, his British accent laced with contempt. "My God! If you kill all of those creatures, and anyone catches anything in the least conspicuous, we'll have every animal rights activist in the country rioting!!" He paused. "Mulder will find out, and then the entire populous will know of our findings." "Mulder already knows enough, and with you to thank," said the Cigarette-Smoking Man. "You are highly indebted to us for saving your life. I suggest that you remember that, and in the meanwhile respect our ideals. If you don't agree to cooperate with our agreement, I'm sure other arrangements will be made." "Other arrangements?" The Well-Manicured Man narrowed his eyes, and scowled at the Cigarette-Smoking Man. "Would I, too, be disposed of for the 'good of mankind'? All of our work...it all went to hell because you couldn't get to Mulder in time to dispose of him, and the vaccine. Don't talk to me about idealism and arrangements, you impudent assassin. You, too, are disposable, as are all of us." He looked around at the Group. "We will proceed as planned. Precaution and discretion are of the utmost importance. Destruction would cause attention to be turned towards us, and most only be used as a last resort." The First Elder nodded. "What do we do about the Carter girl?" The Cigarette-Smoking man stood, and butted out his cigarette in the ashtray. "She will be taken care of." "And Mulder?" The room was silent. Finally, the Cigarette-Smoking Man spoke. "He, too, will be taken care of," he said with quiet conviction. Then he turned, and walked out of the room.